Join the 20th Dead Duck Day: June 5th

DDD20 logo DEF DT (1)Friday June 5th, 2015 is the 20th edition of Dead Duck Day. At exactly 17:55 h we will honor the mallard duck that became known to science as the first (documented) ‘victim’ of homosexual necrophilia in that species, and earned its discoverer (me) the 2003 Ig Nobel Biology Prize.

Dead Duck Day also commemorates the billions of other birds that die(d) from colliding with glass buildings, and challenges people to find solutions to this global problem.

Please join the free, short open-air ceremony next to the new wing of the Natural History Museum Rotterdam (the Netherlands), right below the new Dead Duck Memorial Plaque— the very spot where that duck (now museum specimen NMR 9989-00232) met his dramatic end.

This is what will happen:

The traditional six-course (dead) duck dinner at the famous Tai Wu Restaurant is also open to the public (at your own expense). Reserve you seat by e-mailing to: info [at]


More on the history of Dead Duck Day on the official Dead Duck Day website: Informatie in het Nederlands: hier.

One thought on “Join the 20th Dead Duck Day: June 5th

  1. Pingback: Ode to a dead duck: A message from Carin Bondar for Dead Duck Day | BizBox B2B Social Site

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